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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for :
  • NGN 5000


The importance of motivation in the day-to-day performance of workers duties cannot be overemphasize, especially when it comes to being rewarded for a job well done. This study, investigate employee motivation and employee performance in the manufacturing industries in Nigeria, a case study of Golden Sugar Company in Lagos state Nigeria. 150 respondents were selected from the company across the departments in the company. The populations of the study were 319 workers of Golden Sugar Company in Lagos state Nigeria. The study used frequency and simple percentage to analyze the demographic characteristics of the respondent. The result obtained from the analysis showed that there existed relationship between the following variables: financial benefit and employee commitment; training and development and employee creativity; job security and employee engagement and also relationship existed between working environment and employee morale amongst the employees. This is in line with equity theory which emphasizes that fairness in the remuneration package tends to produce higher performance from workers. The researcher recommended among others that companies should provide financial benefit and other motivation strategies in motivating employees as this will make employee committed in their areas of assignment. It was concluded that, it is imperative for the organization to consider the needs and feelings of its work force and not just overlook them in order to safe guard industrial harmony, because ―a happy worker they say is a productive worker. Having stressed the importance of a good remuneration policy on the performance of workers and the different kinds of reward that can influence workers to perform better on a job, this study can therefore be seen a call for employers sense of commitment to put in place appropriate motivation plan that will encourage workers to be more purposeful and improve their performance. The researcher therefore, suggest that more research should be conducted on employee motivation and employee performance using many private and public organizations which will be a handy tool that could be used to provide solutions to individual conflict that has resulted from poor reward system.




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